The following introduces several utilities useful for ChIP-Seq data. They are not part of the actual workflow.
Rle object stores coverage information
library(rtracklayer); library(GenomicRanges); library(Rsamtools); library(GenomicAlignments)
aligns <- readGAlignments(outpaths(args)[1])
cov <- coverage(aligns)
Resizing aligned reads
trim(resize(as(aligns, "GRanges"), width = 200))
Naive peak calling
islands <- slice(cov, lower = 15)
Plot coverage for defined region
myloc <- c("Chr1", 1, 100000)
ga <- readGAlignments(outpaths(args)[1], use.names=TRUE, param=ScanBamParam(which=GRanges(myloc[1], IRanges(as.numeric(myloc[2]), as.numeric(myloc[3])))))
autoplot(ga, aes(color = strand, fill = strand), facets = strand ~ seqnames, stat = "coverage")