Define environment settings and samples
Load packages and generate workflow environment (here for RNA-Seq)
Construct SYSargs
object from param
and targets
args <- systemArgs(sysma="param/trim.param", mytargets="targets.txt")
Read Preprocessing
The function preprocessReads
allows to apply predefined or custom
read preprocessing functions to all FASTQ files referenced in a
container, such as quality filtering or adaptor trimming
routines. The paths to the resulting output FASTQ files are stored in the
slot of the SYSargs
object. Internally,
uses the FastqStreamer
function from
the ShortRead
package to stream through large FASTQ files in a
memory-efficient manner. The following example performs adaptor trimming with
the trimLRPatterns
function from the Biostrings
After the trimming step a new targets file is generated (here
) containing the paths to the trimmed FASTQ files.
The new targets file can be used for the next workflow step with an updated
instance, e.g. running the NGS alignments using the
trimmed FASTQ files.
preprocessReads(args=args, Fct="trimLRPatterns(Rpattern='GCCCGGGTAA', subject=fq)",
batchsize=100000, overwrite=TRUE, compress=TRUE)
writeTargetsout(x=args, file="targets_trim.txt")
The following example shows how one can design a custom read preprocessing function
using utilities provided by the ShortRead
package, and then run it
in batch mode with the ‘preprocessReads’ function (here on paired-end reads).
args <- systemArgs(sysma="param/trimPE.param", mytargets="targetsPE.txt")
filterFct <- function(fq, cutoff=20, Nexceptions=0) {
qcount <- rowSums(as(quality(fq), "matrix") <= cutoff)
fq[qcount <= Nexceptions] # Retains reads where Phred scores are >= cutoff with N exceptions
preprocessReads(args=args, Fct="filterFct(fq, cutoff=20, Nexceptions=0)", batchsize=100000)
writeTargetsout(x=args, file="targets_PEtrim.txt")
FASTQ quality report
The following seeFastq
and seeFastqPlot
functions generate and plot a series of
useful quality statistics for a set of FASTQ files including per cycle quality
box plots, base proportions, base-level quality trends, relative k-mer
diversity, length and occurrence distribution of reads, number of reads above
quality cutoffs and mean quality distribution.
fqlist <- seeFastq(fastq=infile1(args), batchsize=10000, klength=8)
pdf("./results/fastqReport.pdf", height=18, width=4*length(fqlist))
Parallelization of QC report on single machine with multiple cores
args <- systemArgs(sysma="param/tophat.param", mytargets="targets.txt")
f <- function(x) seeFastq(fastq=infile1(args)[x], batchsize=100000, klength=8)
fqlist <- bplapply(seq(along=args), f, BPPARAM = MulticoreParam(workers=8))
seeFastqPlot(unlist(fqlist, recursive=FALSE))
Parallelization of QC report via scheduler (e.g. Torque) across several compute nodes
library(BiocParallel); library(BatchJobs)
f <- function(x) {
args <- systemArgs(sysma="param/tophat.param", mytargets="targets.txt")
seeFastq(fastq=infile1(args)[x], batchsize=100000, klength=8)
funs <- makeClusterFunctionsTorque("torque.tmpl")
param <- BatchJobsParam(length(args), resources=list(walltime="20:00:00", nodes="1:ppn=1", memory="6gb"), cluster.functions=funs)
fqlist <- bplapply(seq(along=args), f)
seeFastqPlot(unlist(fqlist, recursive=FALSE))
Alignment with Tophat2
Build Bowtie2
args <- systemArgs(sysma="param/tophat.param", mytargets="targets.txt")
moduleload(modules(args)) # Skip if module system is not available
system("bowtie2-build ./data/tair10.fasta ./data/tair10.fasta")
Execute SYSargs
on a single machine without submitting to a queuing system of a compute cluster. This way the input FASTQ files will be processed sequentially. If available, multiple CPU cores can be used for processing each file. The number of CPU cores (here 4) to use for each process is defined in the *.param
file. With cores(args)
one can return this value from the SYSargs
object. Note, if a module system is not installed or used, then the corresponding *.param
file needs to be edited accordingly by either providing an empty field in the line(s) starting with module
or by deleting these lines.
bampaths <- runCommandline(args=args)
Alternatively, the computation can be greatly accelerated by processing many files in parallel using several compute nodes of a cluster, where a scheduling/queuing system is used for load balancing. To avoid over-subscription of CPU cores on the compute nodes, the value from cores(args)
is passed on to the submission command, here nodes
in the resources
list object. The number of independent parallel cluster processes is defined under the Njobs
argument. The following example will run 18 processes in parallel using for each 4 CPU cores. If the resources available on a cluster allow to run all 18 processes at the same time then the shown sample submission will utilize in total 72 CPU cores. Note, clusterRun
can be used with most queueing systems as it is based on utilities from the BatchJobs
package which supports the use of template files (*.tmpl
) for defining the run parameters of different schedulers. To run the following code, one needs to have both a conf file (see .BatchJob
samples here) and a template file (see *.tmpl
samples here) for the queueing available on a system. The following example uses the sample conf and template files for the Torque scheduler provided by this package.
resources <- list(walltime="20:00:00", nodes=paste0("1:ppn=", cores(args)), memory="10gb")
reg <- clusterRun(args, conffile=".BatchJobs.R", template="torque.tmpl", Njobs=18, runid="01",
Useful commands for monitoring progress of submitted jobs
sapply(1:length(args), function(x) loadResult(reg, x)) # Works after job completion
Read and alignment count stats
Generate table of read and alignment counts for all samples.
read_statsDF <- alignStats(args)
write.table(read_statsDF, "results/alignStats.xls", row.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE, sep="\t")
The following shows the first four lines of the sample alignment stats file provided by the systemPipeR
package. For simplicity the number of PE reads is multiplied here by 2 to approximate proper alignment frequencies where each read in a pair is counted.
read.table(system.file("extdata", "alignStats.xls", package="systemPipeR"), header=TRUE)[1:4,]
## FileName Nreads2x Nalign Perc_Aligned Nalign_Primary Perc_Aligned_Primary
## 1 M1A 192918 177961 92.24697 177961 92.24697
## 2 M1B 197484 159378 80.70426 159378 80.70426
## 3 A1A 189870 176055 92.72397 176055 92.72397
## 4 A1B 188854 147768 78.24457 147768 78.24457
Parallelization of read/alignment stats on single machine with multiple cores
f <- function(x) alignStats(args[x])
read_statsList <- bplapply(seq(along=args), f, BPPARAM = MulticoreParam(workers=8))
read_statsDF <-"rbind", read_statsList)
Parallelization of read/alignment stats via scheduler (e.g. Torque) across several compute nodes
library(BiocParallel); library(BatchJobs)
f <- function(x) {
args <- systemArgs(sysma="tophat.param", mytargets="targets.txt")
funs <- makeClusterFunctionsTorque("torque.tmpl")
param <- BatchJobsParam(length(args), resources=list(walltime="20:00:00", nodes="1:ppn=1", memory="6gb"), cluster.functions=funs)
read_statsList <- bplapply(seq(along=args), f)
read_statsDF <-"rbind", read_statsList)
Create symbolic links for viewing BAM files in IGV
The genome browser IGV supports reading of indexed/sorted BAM files via web URLs. This way it can be avoided to create unnecessary copies of these large files. To enable this approach, an HTML directory with http access needs to be available in the user account (e.g. home/publichtml
) of a system. If this is not the case then the BAM files need to be moved or copied to the system where IGV runs. In the following, htmldir
defines the path to the HTML directory with http access where the symbolic links to the BAM files will be stored. The corresponding URLs will be written to a text file specified under the _urlfile
_ argument.
symLink2bam(sysargs=args, htmldir=c("~/.html/", "somedir/"),
Alternative NGS Aligners
Alignment with Bowtie2
(e.g. for miRNA profiling)
The following example runs Bowtie2
as a single process without submitting it to a cluster.
args <- systemArgs(sysma="bowtieSE.param", mytargets="targets.txt")
moduleload(modules(args)) # Skip if module system is not available
bampaths <- runCommandline(args=args)
Alternatively, submit the job to compute nodes.
resources <- list(walltime="20:00:00", nodes=paste0("1:ppn=", cores(args)), memory="10gb")
reg <- clusterRun(args, conffile=".BatchJobs.R", template="torque.tmpl", Njobs=18, runid="01",
Alignment with BWA-MEM
(e.g. for VAR-Seq)
The following example runs BWA-MEM as a single process without submitting it to a cluster.
args <- systemArgs(sysma="param/bwa.param", mytargets="targets.txt")
moduleload(modules(args)) # Skip if module system is not available
system("bwa index -a bwtsw ./data/tair10.fasta") # Indexes reference genome
bampaths <- runCommandline(args=args[1:2])
Alignment with Rsubread
(e.g. for RNA-Seq)
The following example shows how one can use within the \Rpackage{systemPipeR} environment the R-based aligner \Rpackage{Rsubread} or other R-based functions that read from input files and write to output files.
args <- systemArgs(sysma="param/rsubread.param", mytargets="targets.txt")
buildindex(basename=reference(args), reference=reference(args)) # Build indexed reference genome
align(index=reference(args), readfile1=infile1(args)[1:4], input_format="FASTQ",
output_file=outfile1(args)[1:4], output_format="SAM", nthreads=8, indels=1, TH1=2)
for(i in seq(along=outfile1(args))) asBam(file=outfile1(args)[i], destination=gsub(".sam", "", outfile1(args)[i]), overwrite=TRUE, indexDestination=TRUE)
Alignment with gsnap
(e.g. for VAR-Seq and RNA-Seq)
Another R-based short read aligner is gsnap
from the gmapR
package (Wu et al., 2010).
The code sample below introduces how to run this aligner on multiple nodes of a compute cluster.
library(gmapR); library(BiocParallel); library(BatchJobs)
args <- systemArgs(sysma="param/gsnap.param", mytargets="targetsPE.txt")
gmapGenome <- GmapGenome(reference(args), directory="data", name="gmap_tair10chr/", create=TRUE)
f <- function(x) {
library(gmapR); library(systemPipeR)
args <- systemArgs(sysma="gsnap.param", mytargets="targetsPE.txt")
gmapGenome <- GmapGenome(reference(args), directory="data", name="gmap_tair10chr/", create=FALSE)
p <- GsnapParam(genome=gmapGenome, unique_only=TRUE, molecule="DNA", max_mismatches=3)
o <- gsnap(input_a=infile1(args)[x], input_b=infile2(args)[x], params=p, output=outfile1(args)[x])
funs <- makeClusterFunctionsTorque("torque.tmpl")
param <- BatchJobsParam(length(args), resources=list(walltime="20:00:00", nodes="1:ppn=1", memory="6gb"), cluster.functions=funs)
d <- bplapply(seq(along=args), f)
Read counting for mRNA profiling experiments
Create txdb
(needs to be done only once)
txdb <- makeTxDbFromGFF(file="data/tair10.gff", format="gff", dataSource="TAIR", organism="A. thaliana")
saveDb(txdb, file="./data/tair10.sqlite")
The following performs read counting with summarizeOverlaps
in parallel mode with multiple cores.
txdb <- loadDb("./data/tair10.sqlite")
eByg <- exonsBy(txdb, by="gene")
bfl <- BamFileList(outpaths(args), yieldSize=50000, index=character())
multicoreParam <- MulticoreParam(workers=4); register(multicoreParam); registered()
counteByg <- bplapply(bfl, function(x) summarizeOverlaps(eByg, x, mode="Union", ignore.strand=TRUE, inter.feature=TRUE, singleEnd=TRUE)) # Note: for strand-specific RNA-Seq set 'ignore.strand=FALSE' and for PE data set 'singleEnd=FALSE'
countDFeByg <- sapply(seq(along=counteByg), function(x) assays(counteByg[[x]])$counts)
rownames(countDFeByg) <- names(rowRanges(counteByg[[1]])); colnames(countDFeByg) <- names(bfl)
rpkmDFeByg <- apply(countDFeByg, 2, function(x) returnRPKM(counts=x, ranges=eByg))
write.table(countDFeByg, "results/countDFeByg.xls", col.names=NA, quote=FALSE, sep="\t")
write.table(rpkmDFeByg, "results/rpkmDFeByg.xls", col.names=NA, quote=FALSE, sep="\t")
Please note, in addition to read counts this step generates RPKM normalized expression values. For most statistical differential expression or abundance analysis methods, such as edgeR
or DESeq2
, the raw count values should be used as input. The usage of RPKM values should be restricted to specialty applications required by some users, e.g. manually comparing the expression levels of different genes or features.
Read counting with summarizeOverlaps
using multiple nodes of a cluster
f <- function(x) {
library(systemPipeR); library(BiocParallel); library(GenomicFeatures)
txdb <- loadDb("./data/tair10.sqlite")
eByg <- exonsBy(txdb, by="gene")
args <- systemArgs(sysma="tophat.param", mytargets="targets.txt")
bfl <- BamFileList(outpaths(args), yieldSize=50000, index=character())
summarizeOverlaps(eByg, bfl[x], mode="Union", ignore.strand=TRUE, inter.feature=TRUE, singleEnd=TRUE)
funs <- makeClusterFunctionsTorque("torque.tmpl")
param <- BatchJobsParam(length(args), resources=list(walltime="20:00:00", nodes="1:ppn=1", memory="6gb"), cluster.functions=funs)
counteByg <- bplapply(seq(along=args), f)
countDFeByg <- sapply(seq(along=counteByg), function(x) assays(counteByg[[x]])$counts)
rownames(countDFeByg) <- names(rowRanges(counteByg[[1]])); colnames(countDFeByg) <- names(outpaths(args))
Read counting for miRNA profiling experiments
Download miRNA genes from miRBase
system("wget -P ./data/")
gff <- import.gff("./data/My_species.gff3")
gff <- split(gff, elementMetadata(gff)$ID)
bams <- names(bampaths); names(bams) <- targets$SampleName
bfl <- BamFileList(bams, yieldSize=50000, index=character())
countDFmiR <- summarizeOverlaps(gff, bfl, mode="Union", ignore.strand=FALSE, inter.feature=FALSE) # Note: inter.feature=FALSE important since pre and mature miRNA ranges overlap
rpkmDFmiR <- apply(countDFmiR, 2, function(x) returnRPKM(counts=x, gffsub=gff))
write.table(assays(countDFmiR)$counts, "results/countDFmiR.xls", col.names=NA, quote=FALSE, sep="\t")
write.table(rpkmDFmiR, "results/rpkmDFmiR.xls", col.names=NA, quote=FALSE, sep="\t")
Correlation analysis of samples
The following computes the sample-wise Spearman correlation coefficients from the rlog
(regularized-logarithm) transformed expression values generated with the DESeq2
package. After transformation to a distance matrix, hierarchical clustering is performed with the hclust
function and the result is plotted as a dendrogram (sample_tree.pdf).
library(DESeq2, warn.conflicts=FALSE, quietly=TRUE); library(ape, warn.conflicts=FALSE)
## Warning: replacing previous import 'S4Vectors::Position' by 'ggplot2::Position' when loading
## 'DESeq2'
countDFpath <- system.file("extdata", "countDFeByg.xls", package="systemPipeR")
countDF <- as.matrix(read.table(countDFpath))
colData <- data.frame(row.names=targetsin(args)$SampleName, condition=targetsin(args)$Factor)
dds <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData = countDF, colData = colData, design = ~ condition)
d <- cor(assay(rlog(dds)), method="spearman")
hc <- hclust(dist(1-d))
plot.phylo(as.phylo(hc), type="p", edge.col=4, edge.width=3, show.node.label=TRUE, no.margin=TRUE)
Alternatively, the clustering can be performed with RPKM
normalized expression values. In combination with Spearman correlation the results of the two clustering methods are often relatively similar.
rpkmDFeBygpath <- system.file("extdata", "rpkmDFeByg.xls", package="systemPipeR")
rpkmDFeByg <- read.table(rpkmDFeBygpath, check.names=FALSE)
rpkmDFeByg <- rpkmDFeByg[rowMeans(rpkmDFeByg) > 50,]
d <- cor(rpkmDFeByg, method="spearman")
hc <- hclust(as.dist(1-d))
plot.phylo(as.phylo(hc), type="p", edge.col="blue", edge.width=2, show.node.label=TRUE, no.margin=TRUE)
DEG analysis with edgeR
The following run_edgeR
function is a convenience wrapper for
identifying differentially expressed genes (DEGs) in batch mode with
’s GML method (Robinson et al., 2010) for any number of
pairwise sample comparisons specified under the cmp
argument. Users
are strongly encouraged to consult the
for more detailed information on this topic and how to properly run edgeR
on data sets with more complex experimental designs.
targets <- read.delim(targetspath, comment="#")
cmp <- readComp(file=targetspath, format="matrix", delim="-")
## [,1] [,2]
## [1,] "M1" "A1"
## [2,] "M1" "V1"
## [3,] "A1" "V1"
## [4,] "M6" "A6"
## [5,] "M6" "V6"
## [6,] "A6" "V6"
## [7,] "M12" "A12"
## [8,] "M12" "V12"
## [9,] "A12" "V12"
countDFeBygpath <- system.file("extdata", "countDFeByg.xls", package="systemPipeR")
countDFeByg <- read.delim(countDFeBygpath, row.names=1)
edgeDF <- run_edgeR(countDF=countDFeByg, targets=targets, cmp=cmp[[1]], independent=FALSE, mdsplot="")
## Disp = 0.20653 , BCV = 0.4545
Filter and plot DEG results for up and down regulated genes. Because of the small size of the toy data set used by this vignette, the FDR value has been set to a relatively high threshold (here 10%). More commonly used FDR cutoffs are 1% or 5%. The definition of ‘up’ and ‘down’ is given in the corresponding help file. To open it, type ?filterDEGs
in the R console.
DEG_list <- filterDEGs(degDF=edgeDF, filter=c(Fold=2, FDR=10))
## [1] "UporDown" "Up" "Down" "Summary"
## Comparisons Counts_Up_or_Down Counts_Up Counts_Down
## M1-A1 M1-A1 0 0 0
## M1-V1 M1-V1 1 1 0
## A1-V1 A1-V1 1 1 0
## M6-A6 M6-A6 0 0 0
DEG analysis with DESeq2
The following run_DESeq2
function is a convenience wrapper for
identifying DEGs in batch mode with DESeq2
(Love et al., 2014) for any number of
pairwise sample comparisons specified under the cmp
argument. Users
are strongly encouraged to consult the
for more detailed information on this topic and how to properly run DESeq2
on data sets with more complex experimental designs.
degseqDF <- run_DESeq2(countDF=countDFeByg, targets=targets, cmp=cmp[[1]], independent=FALSE)
Filter and plot DEG results for up and down regulated genes.
DEG_list2 <- filterDEGs(degDF=degseqDF, filter=c(Fold=2, FDR=10))
Venn Diagrams
The function overLapper
can compute Venn intersects for large numbers of sample sets (up to 20 or more) and vennPlot
can plot 2-5 way Venn diagrams. A useful feature is the possiblity to combine the counts from several Venn comparisons with the same number of sample sets in a single Venn diagram (here for 4 up and down DEG sets).
vennsetup <- overLapper(DEG_list$Up[6:9], type="vennsets")
vennsetdown <- overLapper(DEG_list$Down[6:9], type="vennsets")
vennPlot(list(vennsetup, vennsetdown), mymain="", mysub="", colmode=2, ccol=c("blue", "red"))
GO term enrichment analysis of DEGs
### Obtain gene-to-GO mappings
The following shows how to obtain gene-to-GO mappings from biomaRt
(here for A. thaliana) and how to organize them for the downstream GO term enrichment analysis. Alternatively, the gene-to-GO mappings can be obtained for many organisms from Bioconductor’s *.db
genome annotation packages or GO annotation files provided by various genome databases. For each annotation this relatively slow preprocessing step needs to be performed only once. Subsequently, the preprocessed data can be loaded with the load
function as shown in the next subsection.
listMarts() # To choose BioMart database
m <- useMart("ENSEMBL_MART_PLANT"); listDatasets(m)
m <- useMart("ENSEMBL_MART_PLANT", dataset="athaliana_eg_gene")
listAttributes(m) # Choose data types you want to download
go <- getBM(attributes=c("go_accession", "tair_locus", "go_namespace_1003"), mart=m)
go <- go[go[,3]!="",]; go[,3] <- as.character(go[,3])
write.table(go, "data/GO/GOannotationsBiomart_mod.txt", quote=FALSE, row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE, sep="\t")
catdb <- makeCATdb(myfile="data/GO/GOannotationsBiomart_mod.txt", lib=NULL, org="", colno=c(1,2,3), idconv=NULL)
save(catdb, file="data/GO/catdb.RData")
Batch GO term enrichment analysis
Apply the enrichment analysis to the DEG sets obtained in the above differential expression analysis. Note, in the following example the FDR filter is set here to an unreasonably high value, simply because of the small size of the toy data set used in this vignette. Batch enrichment analysis of many gene sets is performed with the GOCluster_Report
function. When method="all"
, it returns all GO terms passing the p-value cutoff specified under the cutoff
arguments. When method="slim"
, it returns only the GO terms specified under the myslimv
argument. The given example shows how one can obtain such a GO slim vector from BioMart for a specific organism.
DEG_list <- filterDEGs(degDF=edgeDF, filter=c(Fold=2, FDR=50), plot=FALSE)
up_down <- DEG_list$UporDown; names(up_down) <- paste(names(up_down), "_up_down", sep="")
up <- DEG_list$Up; names(up) <- paste(names(up), "_up", sep="")
down <- DEG_list$Down; names(down) <- paste(names(down), "_down", sep="")
DEGlist <- c(up_down, up, down)
DEGlist <- DEGlist[sapply(DEGlist, length) > 0]
BatchResult <- GOCluster_Report(catdb=catdb, setlist=DEGlist, method="all", id_type="gene", CLSZ=2, cutoff=0.9, gocats=c("MF", "BP", "CC"), recordSpecGO=NULL)
library("biomaRt"); m <- useMart("ENSEMBL_MART_PLANT", dataset="athaliana_eg_gene")
goslimvec <- as.character(getBM(attributes=c("goslim_goa_accession"), mart=m)[,1])
BatchResultslim <- GOCluster_Report(catdb=catdb, setlist=DEGlist, method="slim", id_type="gene", myslimv=goslimvec, CLSZ=10, cutoff=0.01, gocats=c("MF", "BP", "CC"), recordSpecGO=NULL)
Plot batch GO term results
The data.frame
generated by GOCluster_Report
can be plotted with the goBarplot
function. Because of the variable size of the sample sets, it may not always be desirable to show the results from different DEG sets in the same bar plot. Plotting single sample sets is achieved by subsetting the input data frame as shown in the first line of the following example.
gos <- BatchResultslim[grep("M6-V6_up_down", BatchResultslim$CLID), ]
gos <- BatchResultslim
pdf("GOslimbarplotMF.pdf", height=8, width=10); goBarplot(gos, gocat="MF");
goBarplot(gos, gocat="BP")
goBarplot(gos, gocat="CC")
Clustering and heat maps
The following example performs hierarchical clustering on the rlog
transformed expression matrix subsetted by the DEGs identified in the
above differential expression analysis. It uses a Pearson correlation-based distance measure and complete linkage for cluster joining.
geneids <- unique(as.character(unlist(DEG_list[[1]])))
y <- assay(rlog(dds))[geneids, ]
pheatmap(y, scale="row", clustering_distance_rows="correlation", clustering_distance_cols="correlation")